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About the gallery

Music isn't just entertainment, it feeds the soul.

As I began the fall school semester, I made it a mission to explore a new avenue for my photography before the new year, and music photography was always an interest.

I knew getting photo passes for concerts wouldn’t be easy, that I needed a purpose for shooting and simply providing a free service wasn’t enough. There were plenty of great performers coming into the city, all I needed was to reach out and hope someone would take a chance on me. So, Front Row was born. 

Front Row is a photography project that documents concerts with the simple goal of sharing that evenings performances with others. 

Over the last three months, I’ve been out reaching out to bands and photographing any concert I could get into. What started as a desire to follow the music scene in the Southern Maine area, turned into a documentation project of sorts, revolving around the powerful energy that bands bring to the music venues in the Old Port. 

What you’re about to view within the gallery is a compilation of photographs from the concerts I’ve covered and what I hope to be the beginning of something bigger.



Enter and witness the epicness