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Day 7

It’s been a few weeks. Sorry.

Progress on the Land Cruiser has been moving forward. I promise.

I took the short break because the last few weeks of work have been for one thing: rocker panels. To avoid posting updates on the same part of the build two weeks in a row, next week I will be combining days 8 and 9 together as one big highlight.

Hope that’s ok with ya’ll.

Now, back to day 7! The first day the heap up metal moved on its own since it got purchased! The gas tank got put back in, wires were hooked up, and power steering fluid replenished along with a list of other technical things I can’t remember. After taking it for a short spin in the woods and a few group pics, work on the rocker panels began.

It might not be pretty, but it drives. So it was an exciting day, to say the least.


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